
An Experiment for the Sake of the Gospel

Our dioceses are on a journey to discover how collaborating can help us transform our congregations and communities through the power of Jesus Christ. In our churches, everyone is welcome, without exception.

Welcome from Bishop Rowe

Welcome! God is calling us into a new reality here on the southeastern shores of Lake Erie. We hope you will join us in answering this call as we reach out to people who do not know the transformational power of Jesus Christ, people who have been pushed to the margins, and people who feel like they aren’t worthy to step into one of our big stone churches. The road to transformation may be rocky at times, but we hope you will walk it with us.

Learn more about Bishop Rowe

About our Partnership

In 2018, our dioceses pledged themselves to an unprecedented collaboration because we believe that God is calling us to embrace new ways of working on behalf of the Gospel here along the southeastern shores of Lake Erie. We are 90 congregations, spread across 20 counties, but we are one church, united by faith and dedicated to serving our communities and spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ. Here in this part of the country that many have forgotten, we believe that we have the potential to lead the church into a new season of growth.

Learn more

Find a Church

It isn’t always easy to find our way to God. The disciples we encounter on the road to Emmaus were heading in the wrong direction! They didn’t even recognize Jesus, whom they had followed for years—until he broke bread with them. Our church finder was created to make your search a little easier. Use it to locate congregations, ministry centers and church-related organizations across the region. You don’t have to be a member to attend our services, get involved in our work, or find solace and sustenance through our ministries.


The Rev. Rebecca Barnes Called As Dean of St. Paul’s Cathedral, Buffalo

Dear People of God in Western New York and Northwestern Pennsylvania: I am delighted to share the news that the vestry of St. Paul’s Cathedral in Buffalo has called the Rev. Rebecca Barnes, currently rector of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Scranton, Pennsylvania, as the cathedral’s new dean. Her first Sunday at the cathedral will…

Grants Committee is “Spreading the Wealth”

The partnership between the Diocese of Northwestern Pennsylvania and the Diocese of Western New York was founded, in some measure, on the premise that if the two dioceses could collaborate on key priorities, pool their talents and resources, and streamline some of their bureaucratic processes, they could serve their constituents and pursue God’s mission more…


Junior and Senior High Spring Retreats @ The Lake Chautauqua Lutheran Center
May 10 – May 11 all-day

The partnership dioceses will hold a spring retreat weekend for youth in both junior high (grades 6-8) and senior high (grades 9-12) from May 10 to 11, with the option of staying through May 12. The retreat will be held at the Lake Chautauqua Lutheran Center in Bemus Point, New York and costs $60 to attend. The program will begin at 7:30 p.m. on May 10 and conclude May 11 at 7:30 p.m., with optional additional programming that will conclude May 12 at 1 p.m.

The junior high retreat will be modeled on Journeys, a program developed by members of Western New York about 10 years ago. The program is based on the understanding that we are all on a spiritual journey, and that in all journeys, there are choices, bumps, smooth passages, dead ends, and unexpected surprises.

The senior high retreat will build on Journeys and focus on living our lives in Christ. What does that look like for youth and young adults in the church and in the world?

Please email Missioner for Children and Youth Wendy Schumacher with questions.

Bishop’s Visit to St. John’s, Medina @ St. John's Episcopal
May 12 @ 10:30 am
Standing Committee Meeting – WNY
May 14 @ 5:30 pm